Optical inspection stations for production lines, handling systems with integrated 100% testing, multi-sensor systems, survey jobs, sorting machines for small parts, tooling, robot testing stations
Main brochure image processing / robots / special machines
Based on the ROTAVISION system, MESSEN NORD GMBH produces independent testing machines to do 100% testing of high volume articles, primarily for use in the metals sector. With the methods of industrial image processing, laser measuring and eddy current measurement testing equipment is produced to meet the customer's specifications. This equipment has a solid structure, uses advanced measurement techniques and is highly efficient.
Data sheet - testing and sorting machines | Optical Control Machines |
Overview of test solutions ROTAVISION | Control Machines ROTAVISION |
Testing of dimensional accuracy and completeness, type control, labelling reviews, position and orientation control.
Using the integration of image processing sensors in the supply and mounting stations of modern automatic assembly lines, it is possible to test product quality e.g. in the gas generator production seamlessly and to document the testing. Visual sensors mounted in the feeding stations control the type, position and orientation of the component parts. In the downstream process inspection stations, multiple cameras can simultaneously check for error-free assembly, the angular position of components relative to one another, the condition of electrical connectors and contacts, the laser printing or labelling.
When tasks that were previously performed manually are replaced, there are often problems with handling and specific storage, sometimes with difficult to handle products that have special requirements. A combination of portal and robot solutions with industrial image processing can enable such specific problems to be solved.
The correct type mapping, mounting position and completeness of building components made of sheet metal is monitored using industrial image processing systems. Both geometric features like holes, notches and the outer contours as well as labelling elements can be evaluated. Using special lighting systems, differences in reflectivity of the worked materials can be compensated for.
Optical 100% - control of small parts for dimensional accuracy and accuracy at a high testing rate. If there is a requirement to test like or very similar small parts in large numbers for quality criteria such as diameter, length, shape deviations, thread, tension freeness or surface quality, independent testing and sorting machine often provide the most economical solution. MesSen Nord GmbH designs and builds such special machines according to customer requirements. The material feed can be from a linear conveyor system, rotary table or a gravity slide, test rates of up to 100 parts per minute have already been achieved. As well as image processing cameras, special sensors like eddy current probes to chek for cracks, or precision surface scanners for a 3D processing of the samples can be integrated.
Lifting and tilting devices for manipulating bulk part bags as well as palletizers and part chargers belong to the accurate filling quantity checks for transport packages.
Data sheet - testing and sorting machines | Optical Control Machines |
Overview of automatic testing solutions ROTAVISION | Control Machines ROTAVISION |
Testing of sintered parts
Precision dimensional, crack, surface testing with the possibility to integrate eddy current sensors to check the material structure
Example project: Inspection machine for sintered parts
Testing of precision turned parts / precision machined parts
Precision dimensional testing (contour measurement), surface processing, check for turning defects such as scratches and chatter marks, chip control, integration of 3D surface scanners; eddy current crack detection.
Using special feed systems and the corresponding configuration of testing stations it is possible to cover the entire article range so that the total items tested can reach the millions which ensures the operation is profitable.
Targeted automatic post-processing or surface cleaning e.g. removal of adhesive or weld splatter, chips or adhesive residues, reviewing and sorting according to surface condition using image-processing systems
Feed of assembly parts, such as retainers, igniter and membrane holders, camera-based type checking and positioning control of the parts, measurement of the mounting position using image processing, during the transfer process, camera driven axis handling or Scara robot assembly for example, by pressing or KE-welding, optical final checking
By using flexible feeding and handling systems coupled with industrial image processing, assembly solutions can be achieved for a wide range of different products and feed parts. The camera measurement allows the assembly of very close tolerance workpieces perhaps at the end of a tolerance chain, when coupled with precise handling tracking.
Checking metal moul dpieces for cracks using trace eddy current detection. Test items may be supplied in bulk or fed into the system individually. Cracks and material defects can be detected by a change in local material resistance; the process can be selectively triggered from a crack depth of 0.1 mm.
By synchronising eddy current and industrial image processing testing, the test possibilities are extended to articles with gaps, crimps or punched labelling.
Delivery of a complete solution as well as a stand-alone testing machine with tilting / handling devices, parts hopper and part charging.
Part removal, testing and sorting using robotic handling and optical inspection.
Technical paper German / English
Semi-automated test stations are the tool of choice when, as in this example, the testing is of relatively large batches of complex products - here they are surgical saw blades. Similar test stations for sample testing of high-volume parts are also used. The depicted test station is shown without its protective cover and is manually loaded. To test up to 50 drawing dimensions and quality criteria, and the subsequent documentation which is vital for medical products, is carried out using a telecentric precision optical based image processing system fully automatically and in seconds
Example: hand-loaded measuring work station for surgical saw blades
Quality control of plastic products directly during the handling process of the injection-moulding machine allows very early detection of faults and a 100% check of all pieces produced to be carried out - this is often a requirement for suppliers in the automotive industry. In the manufacture of plastic gas pedal arms a multi-component injection moulding is used, which allows the use of different materials in different functional areas of the pedal. The control of the correct injection, the dimensional accuracy of the pedals as well as the accuracy of the injected circuit board is carried out using a vision system made by MesSen Nord GmbH directly at the handling part of the machine. A simultaneous examination of 4 pedal arms using 6 cameras is carried out and the parts are sorted according to the results of the test.